The Power of Music in America

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Viewpoints: No Link Between Rap and Violence?

This viewpoint was the opposite opinion on the issue between rap and violence in youth. Before the studies were done to research the affects of kids listening to rap, there was background information. This information included the fact that heavy metal and rap were similar but had different listeners from different races and cultures. Rap was more recognized by the urban African Americans and heavy metal was mostly found as being listened to by middle/working-class of whites. What i found most interesting was that the characteristics of rap that were being criticized were the same as the heavy metal characteristics except for the fact that the listeners and the producers of the songs were different. I found it interesting that rap was given more criticism just because of society's views on the blacks. I think that there is definitely still more prejudice against the blacks and that's why there the music is such an issue. The studies that were established concerning the types of music and the cultures showed that the races did link with the type of music that were perceived to be "their culture's" music, but the criminals and negative behavior showed no link between the music and the violence. They believed that the negative behavior came before the the music and the music just was a contributor. Music was not the cause. I believe this to extent. I think that music is a big contributor to the actions taken by the listeners but I don't think that it is the main cause. There has to be another reason that the kids would listen to the lyrics in the music in the first place. My personal experience is that I have listened to hardcore rap before but I would never do some of the things that they say to do in the songs.

Tatum, Becky L. "Studies Have Not Established a Link Between Rap Music and Youth Violence." Opposing Viewpoints: Media Violence. Ed. Louise I. Gerdes. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2004. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Deerfield High School. 10 Feb. 2010 .


Deme's Blog said...

i like that you said that society views rap as a more violent music then heavy metal because they are prejudice against black people. i thin you did a good job about giving your opinion on the topic, but i think that you need to talk more about the topic rap not being violent.